Discover our transparant businessmodel

How it works

Starting point:
It’s not the freelancer that’s too expensive, it’s the margin on him that makes it so expensive.

The collaboration (salaried & freelance)

  1. In order to deliver the right assignments to you, you need to tell what you are good at.
  2. This will take you about 3 minutes via this url:
  3. We then search for the assignment that fits your competencies and your available time.
  4. If we find it and you are interested, we will take the assignment in detail with you.
  5. We propose you directly to the client.
  6. All these steps are free of charge. You will only become a paying member when you really get started.
    No cure no pay

When will you become a member asfreelancer?
(not for those who salaried a contract)

  • Assignments < 1 week
    Remember: No assignment, no membership fee.
    If you sign a contract with the client for an assignment of less than a week, membership will be € 99.
  • Assignments > 1 week
    Remember: No assignment, no membership fee.
    If you sign a contract with the client for an assignment of one week or longer, membership will be € 225.
    You are then a member for a year, with an unlimited number of assignments. The subscription will not be automatically renewed.

What you get in return:

  1. We will contact you directly with the client.
  2. You negate your day rate directly with him.
  3. We do not include a margin on your rates.
  4. You get a correct price per day.
  5. It remains more affordable for the client as well, so that they place more assignments.
  6. You will not become a member until you have the contract.

Handy to know: The client pays us a finder’s fee of an average of € 60 per day

The Maffia Network:

  • We are a network of junior, medior, senior to award winning professionals.
  • We focus on (digital) marketing, communication, audio visual & advertising.
  • We are available for assignments from 1 day to > 1 year with a completion of 10% to full-time.

Where to find our assignments?

Four ways:

  1. MaffiaMatch = the fastest way
    Receive only the commands that fit your needs by mail and/or Whatsapp.
    How it works: To get the right jobs, we need to know what you are good at.
    That takes you about 3 minutes: You share your skills, where you want to work, the number of hours, how we can contact you…
    Then its our time to do work for you and we look for clients that fit your skills.
    Get there at no cost:
  2. LinkedIn: The Maffia – Independant Creative Professionals (Closed Group)
    When we receive an application we post that assignment in our closed group.
    Get there, t is free:
  3. Our site
    When we get enough time to find the right person, we post the assignment on this page:
    Attention: Not all jobs appear on our site.
  4. Our Newsletter
    Two weeks we send out a newsletter with the assignments we have open at that time.
    Subscribe to the newsletter during your MaffiaMatch registration.

What now?

  1. Is everything clear? Join the Maffia Network in just 3 minutes.
  2. Do you have any further questions about us or way we work? Don’t hesitate and Contact us.